☉ 三从四德 【sāncónɡsìdé】
[ the three obediences obey her father before marriage, her husband when married, and her sons in widowhood ] 古代中国妇女应有的品德。三从是未嫁从父、既嫁从夫、夫死从子。
[ the four virtues (morality, proper speech, modest manner and diligent work) of women in ancient China spiritual fetters of wifely submission and virtue imposed on women in feudal society ] 四德是妇德、妇言、妇容、妇功(妇女的品德、辞令、仪态、女工)。
[ the three obediences obey her father before marriage, her husband when married, and her sons in widowhood ] 古代中国妇女应有的品德。三从是未嫁从父、既嫁从夫、夫死从子。
[ the four virtues (morality, proper speech, modest manner and diligent work) of women in ancient China spiritual fetters of wifely submission and virtue imposed on women in feudal society ] 四德是妇德、妇言、妇容、妇功(妇女的品德、辞令、仪态、女工)。
☉ 四德 【sìdé】
[ The four virtues are fidelity,physical charm,propriety in speech and efficiency in needlework ] 封建礼教指妇女应尊从的四种德行,即妇德、妇言、妇容、妇功。
例: 三从四德
[ The four virtues are fidelity,physical charm,propriety in speech and efficiency in needlework ] 封建礼教指妇女应尊从的四种德行,即妇德、妇言、妇容、妇功。
例: 三从四德
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