
风声鹤唳 【fēnɡshēnɡhèlì】
  [ the whining of the wind and the cry of cranes a fleeing army's suspicion of danger at the slightest sound be so nervous and fearful that a slight movement in the wind is enough to make one jittery ] 鹤唳:鹤叫。《晋书·谢玄传》记载,东晋时,秦主苻坚率众攻晋,列阵淝水,谢玄等率精兵击破秦军,秦军在败逃途中极度惊慌疑惧或自相惊扰。“闻风声鹤唳,皆以为王师已至”。形容非常慌张,到了自惊自扰的程度。
  例: 风声鹤唳,草木皆兵

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