☉ 不咎既往 【bùjiùjìwǎnɡ】
[ let bygones be bygones;do not censure sb.for his past misdeeds ] 对以前的错误不再批评责备。
例: 以后惟有以宽大为念,不咎既往。——清·薛福成《咸丰季年三奸伏诛》
[ let bygones be bygones;do not censure sb.for his past misdeeds ] 对以前的错误不再批评责备。
例: 以后惟有以宽大为念,不咎既往。——清·薛福成《咸丰季年三奸伏诛》
☉ 一如既往 【yīrújìwǎnɡ】
[ just as in the past;continue as always ] 与从前完全一样。
[ just as in the past;continue as always ] 与从前完全一样。
☉ 一言既出,驷马难追 【yīyánjìchūsìmǎnánzhuī】
[ what has been said cannot be unsaid;A word spoken is past recalling; A word published cannot be recalled ] 话已说出口,就是四匹马拉的车也无法追回。形容说话要算数,说出就不能收回。
[ what has been said cannot be unsaid;A word spoken is past recalling; A word published cannot be recalled ] 话已说出口,就是四匹马拉的车也无法追回。形容说话要算数,说出就不能收回。
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