☉ 不见棺材不落泪 【bùjiànɡuāncáibùluòlèi】
[ never give up until one is consigned to the grave;do not shed tear until one sees one's own coffin ] 比喻不到最后失败决不罢休。
[ never give up until one is consigned to the grave;do not shed tear until one sees one's own coffin ] 比喻不到最后失败决不罢休。
☉ 棺材 【ɡuāncɑi】
[ coffin casket ] 盛载尸体以备埋葬的箱匣。
[ coffin casket ] 盛载尸体以备埋葬的箱匣。
☉ 棺材瓤子 【ɡuāncɑiránɡzi】
[ damn old men ] [口] 指快死的老年人(含诅咒意)。
[ damn old men ] [口] 指快死的老年人(含诅咒意)。
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