
袍笏 【páohù】
  [ official clothing and tablet held before the breast by officials when received in audience by the emperor ] 古代官员上朝时穿的官服和手拿的笏板。

袍笏登场 【páohùdēnɡchǎnɡ】
  [ taking position of power,as in a dress rehearsal dress up and go on stage—said of a puppet upon his take-over ] 袍,古代官服 笏,古代大臣上朝所执手板。袍笏登场,就是扮演大臣的演员登台演戏,现在常用来比喻坏人上台,有贬义 或比喻新官上任,有讽刺意。
  例: 袍笏登场也等闲。——清·赵翼《瓯北诗钞》

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